Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Quote (#510)

"The problem with any unwritten law is that
you don't know where to go to erase it."
- Glaser and Way

"History teaches us that men and nations
behave wisely once they have exhausted
all other alternatives."
- Abba Eban

"Those who can laugh without cause have
either found the true meaning of happiness
or have gone stark raving mad."
- Norm Papernick

"A fine quotation is a diamond on
the finger of a man of wit, and
a pebble in the hand of a fool."
- Joseph Roux

"The skill of writing is to
create a context in which
other people can think."
- Edwin Schlossberg

"I feel like a fugitive
from the law of averages."
- William H. Mauldin

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